Hope – what constitutes real hope
Hope is much more than wishful thinking. Hope is a beam of
light, into the future based on substantial evidence. We live in the present,
hopefully learning from the past. Tomorrow is God’s realm. Some things are
routine, like the rising of the sun, but more than ever, tomorrow has become
uncertain (year 2020) – financially, politically, health wise, socially,
religiously – everything is in upheaval. Calls are being made for a strong
worldwide leader to lift the world out of this mess.
Where do we find real hope?
- in the promises of God.
Just as the rainbow is God’s promise that there will not be
another worldwide flood, so the coming and promises of the Lord Jesus Christ
give the assurance that beyond days of ‘great tribulation’ lies the hope of
peace and prosperity.
Just as the promise of the coming of a suffering Messiah has
been fulfilled, so the promise of the coming of a triumphant Messiah will be fulfilled.
Just as faith in the unseen God enabled multitudes to overcome in
the past, so faith in the living God through Christ, will enable multitudes of
the redeemed to overcome, tomorrow.
Someone has said that the world will never be the same again. –
well that is likely true and the world without God needs to be ‘shaken’.
Just as the patriarchs looked beyond their changing
circumstances, so we need to focus on the heavenly city where God rules.
(remember that Satan is the prince of this world system).
With an eternal perspective to share with our families and
friends, we have hope that can lift the hopeless to the eternal values – love ,
joy and peace in the present, and in the Fathers house.
To summarize: Our hope lies in a person – Jesus Christ the
Lord. He said “ Don’t be afraid, I am
the first and the last, I am the living one who died. Behold I am alive
forevermore and I hold the keys of death and hell.” (Revelation 1.17)
God holds the key of all unknown,
And I am glad
If other hands should hold the key
Or if He trusted it to me
I might be sad.
I may not read His future plans
But this I know
I have the smiling of His face
And all the refuge of His grace
While here below.
To know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour – this is true hope
now and forever.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit, you may abound in hope. Romans 15.13
John McKee
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