
Sunday, September 15, 2024



The Gospel/ Evangelism

Seems like I need to clarify the Biblical Christian Gospel and the work of Evangelism .

The Gospel is the message, Evangelism is the methods of spreading the Gospel.

Shall I identify the scam gospels – they are many, rife in the churches as well as in the world  --  not yet. I would rather like to sound loud and clear the true Bible Gospel.

The Gospel of Isaiah prophesied the LORD God drawing near in the person of the Messiah  -  a child born named Immanuel, a servant whose soul would be made an offering for sin, a Saviour who would embrace Jew and Gentile and so much more good news.

The Gospel of Matthew beginns with a child  (Immanuel – God with us). A child so special the wise men from the east (likely including Chinese), bowed down to worship Him.

The Gospel of Mark opens with the words of this Lord Jesus  - “Repent and believe the Gospel”  That meant that the King had arrived – no better news could be heard. The message was clear  “repent” – turn away from sin and selflove to give total allegiance to the King of the universe, the Son of God!.

The King was rejected! (“We have no king but Caesar” they said – John 19) And so the risen Saviour changed to embrace of the message. Quote of the Lord Jesus Christ:

“Thus it is written, that Christ should suffer and on the third day rise from the dead, and that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His Name to all nations beginning from Jerusalem”.  (Luke 24).

From then on, by the power of the Holy Spirit they proclaimed the word of the Lord to Jews and Gentiles. If I had space I would trace each of the Gospel messages in the book of ‘Acts’.

In summary –

Peter preached to the Gentiles about Jesus Christ with this conclusion :

“To Him give all the prophet witness, that everyone who believes in HIM receives forgiveness of sins through HIS Name” (Acts 10).

Paul summarised His Gospel:

“Repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Acts 20)

Paul reflected on the Gospel he effectively preached at Corinth:

“…of first importance, that Christ died for our sins, in accordance with the scriptures, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day in accordance with the scriptures”  1 Corinthians 15.

Philip preached the Gospel about the once crucified Jesus from Isaiah 53  (Acts 8).

Several threads run through these important references:

1       The problem of sin as seen by God and must be repented of.

2      The gospel focuses on the Lord Jesus Christ and the vital need to believe in/on Him

3      The outcomes of this Gospel are many eg  Forgiveness of sins, The gift of the Holy Spirit, the assurance of eternal life in heaven, and so much more.

The Gospel exposes the real human condition as lost  and gives glory to God as the light shining in the face of Jesus Christ.(2 Corinthians 4)

A message that misses Jesus is false!

  A message that smooths over sin is false.

    A message that presents self help to find happiness is deception.

     A message that promotes good works as a means to eternal life is false.

And so it goes on – instead of accountability before God is promoted affluence as a sign of blessing! – false. Rather salvation by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ the Lord, is the genuine  motivator to Christian commitment.

Sadly so many are made happy on the way to hell. Hell? O wait they say. The good news is that a loving God would not punish a person in hell! Some try to fix it up by saying that perish means  to ‘cease being’ instead of ‘well  being’.

False Gospels are an insult to the Name and character of God.

 False Gospels are an insult to the need for and sufficiency of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ in His death.

False gospels give false hope and prove cruel to the ones deceived.

How good it is to know and receive the true Gospel of the Son of God, once crucified for our sins, now risen and willing to save all who turn to HIM in faith.

And to think it is for all people everywhere!;

“God so loved the world , that He gave His only Son, so that everyone that believes in HIM, will not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16).

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Psalm 23


David the shepherd boy, caring for his fathers sheep, picked up his small harp, looked up into the deep blue sky and composed a song of praise, of trust, of hope, of home. 3000 years later we sing it with understanding and emotion.

“The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want

He makes me down to lie

In pastures green He leadeth me the quiet waters by..”

The LORD who made the universe , the LORD who chose to interact with the peoples of earth – this is the one David claimed as his Shepherd.

1000years later Jesus descended from heaven and announced  “I am the Good Shepherd”

2000 years on and we today can look up and say “The LORD Jesus is my Shepherd!”

Life indeed is a journey with many twists and turns.  The destination is sure, in the Father’s house.

Ponder for a moment the journey:

-          A giving shepherd providing food and refreshment sufficient

-          A restoring shepherd for wandering souls

-          A guide along the way – God’s way

-          A companion in the valley, even death

-          A protector in danger

-          A provider in difficult times

-          A healer from the wounds and bruises of the journey

-          A cup overflowing with love undeserved

For David it was to trust in one whose Providence was enough in good times and bad times. This echoes in the word’s:

“Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me”

This has a sense of trust for the future, but also can be a review of the past to the honour of the Great Shepherd.

Lastly, triumphantly – the destination.

“And in God’s house forevermore, my dwelling place shall be.”

The sheep was to return to the shepherd’s fold at the end of each day. But much greater is the final destination – abiding in the Great Shepherd’s own house”  - I hear the eternal word’s of the Good Shepherd – “In My Father’s house are many mansions… I go to prepare a place for you… that there you may be also”  (John 14)

How can it be?  Because Jesus Christ the Good Shepherd laid down His life for the sheep (us). Who are included?  “I am the door, by me if anyone enter in they will be saved…..other sheep have I”  (John 10)

And so the ultimate promise comes to all who trust Him.

“My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. I give unto them eternal life and they will never perish. No one can pluck them out of My hand” (John 10:27)

And thus I concluded the funeral service  for one who loved the Lord.

“In God’s house forevermore, my dwelling place shall be”

A place of unfailing love, undisturbed peace, united praise.

Friday, August 23, 2024



School lesson too discouraging – Ten men (spies) who discouraged the people from going forward in faith. Rather than trusting in the promises of God, they preferred the comfort of Egypt.

So God turned them back into the wilderness for fourty years with this indictment:

“They have disobeyed and tested Me too many times.” Numbers 14:23   They got what they wanted and sorrow therewith.

So I changed the content to next terms lessons, to include the great and precious promises given to those who follow the Lord:

God has said “I will never fail you, I will never forsake you.”  Hebrews 13.5

“If we confess our sins to HIM, He is faithful and just to forgive

us our sins.”  1 John 1

God showed how much He loves us by sending His only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through Him”  1 John 4

“My sheep hear my voice and I know them and they follow me. I give them Eternal Life and they will never perish.” John 10

Jesus said:  “In My Fathers house are many rooms. I am going to prepare a place for you… that where I am, there you may be also” John 14

Who would be so foolish as to ignore such promises of God’s grace!

And yet many do – with little hope in this life and none in the next.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



The special Bible verse for me this morning:

Written of Jesus Christ our Lord  -  

“ You love HIM even though you have never seen HIM. You trust HIM and even now you rejoice with glorious and inexpressible joy.

Your reward for trusting HIM will be the salvation of your souls.” 

1 Peter 1:8

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

10 Commands


At School we have been teaching the children the ten commandments. Is it relevant???

Yes it is!  - Many children have no sense of values except what they see on screens – TV, smart phones, I pad etc. Hence it is vital to establish the writing of the Lord God to guide their conscience. It also registers a sense of the holiness of God.

Yes it is!  - teaching about Jesus Christ dying for our sins is meaningless if people don’t know what sin is. Paul wrote: “apart from the law , sin lies dead” (Romans 7:8). Thus the law gives meaning to the Lord Jesus Christ dying as a sacrifice for sin.

Yes it is!  - The first commandment points heavenward – to worship the invisible, heaven residing God. He alone is worthy of our devotion and obedience.

Yes it is!  - The last commandment confirms the statement of

Romans 3:23 – “All have sinned” .  From Eve to the present, the sin of covetousness stains every mind.

Yes it is!  - God knows best how to order society. From the days of the week to marriage to loving our neighbour, His way is best.

Does it achieve salvation and eternal life – NO.

Only the LORD God gives eternal life as a gift through His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Law condems us, hence we need a sacrifice.

The Law exemplifies the Holy character  of God

Wednesday, August 7, 2024



Activating conscience

The Lord Jesus used various ways to activate the conscience of the people.

1       Raising the standard. eg  “love your enemies”  Matthew 5

2      Referring to the day of judgement eg “They will be judged at the last day by the truth I have spoken”  John 12

3      Reflecting on self  eg “let those who  have never sinned throw the first stone.”  John 8

4      Repentance of sin.  eg “ Go and sin no more”  John 8

5      Remembering God’s law eg “ Moses will accuse you”  John 5

John 3:17

 “God did not send His Son into the world to condemn it, but to save it.”

This Bible verse does give eternal hope, but it does not overlook sin or judgement . It does mean that the Almighty God has chosen to first offer salvation to those who choose to believe in His Son, Jesus Christ.

For those who reject Jesus Christ the LORD, judgement will finally come because they have refused to believe the Gospel of salvation.

An awesome , gracious God.

   An inner voice of conscience.

     A promise of sins removed and eternal life given

      A day of final judgement.

I encourage you to read all the Bible, in particular the section written by John the Apostle. Let the words of Jesus create faith in your mind and heart.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Who is this man?


"Jesus awoke and He rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Peace be still”. The wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

“Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” (Mark 4.39)

Jesus – the baby, the boy, the teenager, the tradesman, the man delighting the God the Father.

Christ – The promised King and Messiah anointed by the Holy Spirit

Lord – the one who came down from heaven and now in heaven is Lord of all

Son of God – The only one who represents God perfectly

Saviour – the perfect one who saves from sin and hell

Lamb  of God – He who never sinned, died for sinners

Son of man – He who being man will rule over all people

Prince of peace – His rule as King will bring peace.

Redeemer – We belong to Him, bought by His own blood

King of the Jews – Born into king David’s ancestry, He will reign over all.

High Priest – Presently acting as our intercessor in heaven.

Shepherd – One who cares enough to die for His sheep.

Judge – appointed by God the Father to judge all.

Advocate – pleading before the holy throne for His failing people.


Do you know HIM?

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Despair or hope


We seldom hear from those who are really suffering. So let Jeremiah speak up for them:

“The thought of my suffering and homelessness is bitter beyond words. I will never forget this awful time as I grieve over my loss.

Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:

‘The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By His mercies we have been kept from complete destruction.

Great is Thy faithfulness. His mercies begin afresh each day.

I will say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore I will hope in Him.”

The LORD is wonderfully good to those who wait for Him and seek Him.’

So what is the best thing I can do for the many migrants moving into this city? I teach them English, show friendship, help with citizenship as a matter of Christian compassion. Their stories of suffering are extreme. Ultimately I want them to find security, safety and fulfillment in knowing the LORD God of Jeremiah! He, in His faithfulness has brought me through tough times and I delight to say to Him:  ‘Great is Your faithfulness”


Monday, June 17, 2024

Reading this special book


Most religions of the world have a focus on one person hoping for enlightenment. The Bible is focused on Jesus the Messiah. The Bible is so much more than a guide book for living. The continuing theme from the many different Old Testament writers, is the hope of the Messiah, the King, the Saviour, the final revealer of the Lord God.

The New Testament was written was written about the life of Jesus the Christ and His being the Messiah, the King, the Saviour for all people.

The first four records of His life describe His birth, His life, His teaching, His miracles, His death and resurrection. The evidence for His claim to be the “Son of the Blessed” (Mark 14), is abundant. The purpose of His death is clearly explained by the Lord Jesus in His own words and the teaching of His Apostles.

We do well to study in depth the subject of Jesus death. The links to the Old Testament are important. But through the New Testament, the focus is on the Lord Jesus Christ alive from death – now in the place of highest honour in heaven.

When reading the New Testament, remember it is about a living person who delights to  act and interact with all who truly trust and love Him.

-      A living Saviour to bring us forgiveness.

-      A living Shepherd to lead us through life.

-       A living Lord to guard and guide us through life.

-       A living Advocate to maintain our fellowship with God.

-       A living King, who will make His appearance at the set time.


This is not a dead religion belonging to an ancient past. This is a relationship with a living Lord, achieved by His grace.

Sunday, June 9, 2024



For those people new to the Bible I write:

This book begins with God making the world. God made all things very good.

After that, humans rebelled and sin (attitudes and actions against God), has caused trouble for thousands of years.

The Bible is a history of God the LORD seeking to connect with people. Many responded – Noah, Abraham, Samuel, David, Isaiah, Daniel…

After many years God the Father sent His Son, Jesus into the world. This part of Bible history is called the New Testament.

Jesus spoke God’s words to the people, but also showed them what God was like.

He rebuked sin (like selfish greed). This showed people the holiness of God.

His compassion and healing for so many showed the undeserved favour of God (grace).

As you read the Old Testament and the New, you will notice how often it mentions sacrifices for sins, so that people could be friends with God again. Jesus stated clearly that this was the greatest purpose of His mission. He died, as recorded, for a purpose. This purpose is clearly explained by His Apostles in their writings at the end of the Bible. (He died and rose again to bring forgiveness and acceptance with God).

For many this large book is too big to read through (especially those learning English). Remember it is 66 different books written at different times.

My advise :- Read the history of humanity, enjoy the prayers and songs (Psalms), read slowly the four biographies of Jesus and search carefully the teachings of the Apostles (New Testament).

For those searching with a sincere heart, God by the Holy Spirit promises true enlightenment and understanding.

Friday, May 24, 2024

A call to repent


A message from the Lord to the King via Jeremiah:

“Be fair minded and just. Do what is right! Help those who have been robbed; recue them from their oppressors. 

Quit you evil deeds!  Do not mistreat foreigners, orphans and widows.  Stop murdering the innocent.”

A timely message for our leaders, for us all.

(Jeremiah 22:3)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Grace of God


Grace – the undeserved favour of God

Religions of all sorts have proven that humanity is unable to reach God’s holy standard. The ten commandments show the holiness of the Lord God, but also verify the verdict of God – ‘All have sinned and come short of the glory of God’.

God has a better way:

He in His mercy and GRACE , offers free forgiveness and acceptance to all who believe in His Son, Jesus Christ the Lord.

All believers are transformed by God’s Holy Spirit to live for God – not seeking acceptance, but because of acceptance into the family of God.

Bible quote:

“For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self controlled , upright and godly lives in the present age. Waiting for the blessed hope , the appearing of the glory of our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ, who gave Himself to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for Himself a people for His own possession who are zealous of good works.”  (Titus 2:11)

This is true grace . We can choose self justification, or we can choose justification through faith by Grace. Those who despise God’s undeserved favour will miss heaven and their proud thanklessness will incur the wrath of God.

“The law was given by Moses,  Grace and Truth came by Jeus Christ.”  (John 1:17)

Friday, May 10, 2024

Fake faith


My daily  readings in Jeremiah have exposed underlying problems.

-         He highlights ‘pretending to be sorry’ (Jeremiah 3:10} – some are sorry to be caught doing the wrong thing. Other are sorry that they did not get their own way. Some are sorry that God has no tolerance  for evil! Some speak words without reality.

-         So many people live , as in Jeremiah 2:31 – “The people say ‘ At last we are free from God’” I fear this is the attitude of so many in Australia!

-         And then they dare to blame God for wars, blame God for sickness, blame God for failed relationships, blame God for business failures etc etc

-         When people choose their own way instead of God’s way, HE often ‘lets them go ahead….’ (Romans 1:24) . The consequences are just, the outcomes are tragic for themselves and others around them and maybe for generations to come.

-         It is now common to change the rules, to call sin pleasure, to call evil good, to call rebellion normal.

-         Is their any hope??  Yes – by repentance. – turning to God, acknowledging He is the Just One and His way is truth.

-         I quote Jeremiah again:

-         “Acknowledge your guilt, admit your rebellion, confess your refusal to follow Me,  throw away the idols, live good , honest lives and uphold justice. Cleanse your minds and hearts before the Lord” (Chapter 3:13)

It all seems so hopeless until you go back to the beginning of the chapter. The Lord God was/is willing to break His own rule to recover, restore, redeem, revive, regenerate the unworthy who are genuine in repentance.

“I will heal your wayward hearts.” (3:22)

Is this hope just for Israel. Rather  this call to repentance has been granted to us Gentiles (Acts 11) and the hope of forgiveness, justification and glorifcation is promised to all.

This is the meaning of “Grace”

It was Jesus who said “Repent and believe the Gospel”

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Confession that leads to forgiveness


Meditation from Isaiah 64,65

I enjoy the good promises from the Bible, but here, like other places we have words of confession of sin. Even the gracious Lord Jesus exposed sin as a root problem in all humanity – Mark 7:21

Isaiah 64:5

“But we are not godly. We are constant sinners, so Your anger Lord is heavy upon us. How can people like us be saved? We are all infected and impure with sin. When we proudly display our righteous deeds, we find they are but filthy rags. Like autumn leaves, we wither and fall. And our sins, like the wind, sweep us away. Yet no one calls on your name, or pleads with you for mercy. Therefore You have turned away from us and turned us over to our sins.”

Then the prophet takes the humble place “We are the clay,  You are the potter….”

Then the LORD says (Chapter 65) : “People who never before inquired about Me are asking about Me. I am being found by people who were not looking for Me. To them I have said “I am here”.

I opened my arms to My own people but……………”

And so the good news for repentant sinner holds true:

‘Whoever will call upon the Name of the LORD will be saved ‘ (Romans 10:13) . 

 Let us take time to confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1John 1) .

It is not the purpose of God for us to live in morbid introspection, but it is healthy to humble ourselves and see the situation as by the holy vision of the Lord.

Peter wrote “God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.” 

   (1 Peter 5)

Thursday, April 11, 2024

The change God can make


As I return to my work with migrants the following Bible verse gives encouragement. Many have suffered much and lost much. But now they have an opportunity for good change. Best of all the opportunity to have God’s love, joy  and peace.

Isaiah chapter 61:

God gives beauty for ashes

Joy instead of mourning

Praise instead of despair

The Lord God through our Lord Jesus Christ is in the work of recovering wasted and crushed lives.

Are you one of those -  seek HIM today !

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Heaven's activity


Present activity in heaven.

“Seek those things that are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God …… you also will appear with Him in glory.” (Colossians 3)

Heaven seems a far off place – especially when we are too distracted by the things of this world. (love not the things of this world or the things that are in the world 1 John 2).

Heaven is a place of constant activity – every time a sinner repents and turns to the Lord God, the angels celebrate. (that means more than 2000 times each week).

It is a place of ultimate authority and the one who sits on the throne is aware of all things on earth. Remember Jesus said “My Father knows”. The patience of God, waiting for people to repent is amazing. He will decide when enough is enough, and will send out the angels as reapers in the harvest of the earth.

In heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ, is consciously attending to the prayers of His people.  With deep understanding and sympathy He enables the Holy Spirit to work in and for His beloved people.  For those who fail and fall, He intercedes as an advocate -  pleading the value of His once offered sacrifice to gain forgiveness and restoration for the wanderers.

Heaven is also involved in the conflict against evil. Satan accuses and persecutes the believers. The Lord Jesus, who sits on the right hand of the majesty on high, is well able to put him in place.

Most interesting -  in heaven the Exalted Christ is seen not as a despotic king in heaven, but as one with the purity and meekness of a Lamb.

And so the chorus echoes through the heights of heaven:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honour and glory and blessing forever and ever” (Revelation 5)

So much more could be written about activity in heaven – I encourage you to go search for yourself.

Friday, April 5, 2024

Alive and active


What makes the promises of the past have any value in the present?

For example, Jesus promised that his sheep would never perish! (John 10)

The promise is only true if the person who made the promise is alive , powerful and active. Otherwise it is a hoax.

And that’s just the reason, that the statement of Revelation chapter one is so significant.  The Lord Jesus Christ said:

“Fear not, I am the first and the last, and the living one. I died, and behold I am alive forever more, and I have the keys of death and hell.”

Because He lives, the present and future security of His sheep is secure. No one can snatch them out of His hand.

Among the many things happening in heaven, this gives great assurance to all believers, that the living Lord cares, and will keep His promises.

Trust in the Lord and don’t despair

He is a friend so true

No matter what your troubles are

Jesus will see you through.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Death Of Jesus Christ the Lord


Why is the death of Jesus Christ the Lord so important?


1.    It is mentioned directly by the prophet Isaiah and David. It is typified in the sacrifices of Abraham and Moses.

2.  2  Jesus Himself said He would be killed. He also explained before it happened that His death had a greater purpose – Forgiveness, ransom, and as the Good Shepherd He would lay down His life for His sheep.

3.   3 His death highlighted the brokenness of human nature – religious men refused to accept His claim to be “the Son of the Blessed” and condemned Him to die. The Roman judge, sent to crucifixion, one he had declared innocent. The crowd disregarded what great and good things He had done, calling for Him to be given the worst kind of death – crucifixion – so cruel in so many ways. How depraved mankind was and is.

4.   4The teaching of the Apostles by the Holy Spirit was clear, that this death had a distinct purpose –

Peter :  Jesus  as the Lamb of God paid the price to bring people back to God (1 Peter 1,3)

John: Fellowship with God is based on the cleansing (forgiveness) by the blood of Jesus Christ God’s Son. (1 John 1,2)

Philip: Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 53 ‘His life is taken from the earth’ to become the risen intercessor for all who believe in Him.

Paul: God showed His great love toward us  - “while we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5)

---- and so much more…….


I venture an illustration  (true parable)

I received a speeding fine in the mail! But I was not in the vehicle. My son was driving my car. One might have challenged the camera operator, or gone to court to argue that no-one was in danger. Or I could plead for pardon (which is possible in Australia).

But no – I made a choice to pay the debt and incur the demerit points myself – thus letting my son go free even though he was the guilty one.

Jesus knew too well how offensive my disobedience, disrespect, failure to worship, my sin…,   was to God . But He, in the person of Jesus, chose to pay the fine and let me go free! In gratitude I love Him and follow Him.

Indeed God has the prerogative to forgive, but He chose to liberate the guilty by suffering the penalty HIMSELF – the wages of sin is death, and Jesus Christ died for our sins. (1 Corinthians 15)

 5 The words of Jesus, many years after , are very significant:

“Fear not, I am the fist and the last, I am He that lives, and was dead; and behold I am alive for evermore, Amen, and have the keys of hell and death”   (Revelation 1:17). {so full of meaning – pause to ponder}

6  The death of Jesus justifies the holiness of God – He forgives – “the Just one dying for the unjust” (1 Peter3:18)

7  The death of Jesus makes judgement day more terrifying for unbelievers :- judged for sin that could have been forgiven, judged for rejecting  Jesus the Son of God, judged by the very person who died to offer complete salvation. (Revelation 20,  John 5,  Acts 17).

8 Today is the great day of salvation:

“To Him give all the prophets witness, that through His Name, whoever believes in Him shall receive forgiveness of sins.” (Peter – Acts 10:43)

Thursday, March 21, 2024

The empty tomb


An empty tomb.

Does it matter?  Yes and no!

No – we have on good authority the good news that by His death and resurrection all can be forgiven. By His resurrection the gift of eternal life is certain.


Yes – to know that Jesus died on Golgotha (Calvary) is important. {Islam denies it}.  The prophecies of the Old Testament Prophets, the predictions of Jesus, the records of historians, the writings of witnesses,  all testify that Jesus actually died. The Lord Jesus Himself gave the purpose.

“The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep”  John 10

Yes -To be assured that Jesus lives is fundamental. {denied by atheists, agnostics, infidels, naturalists}. If Jesus is dead, all hope is lost. But no one could produce the body of Jesus. The Roman guards, the Jewish detractors or anyone. The disciples were powerless and afraid. Only the women had the courage to try to anoint the body of the once crucified Lord.

-        To them the Angels said “ He is risen….” (Luke 24) shortly afterward the disciples said “we have seen the Lord”. The Lord Jesus Himself said to them – “look at my hands and my feet….”

-        As the Lord Jesus ascended up into the clouds, two angels announced to the puzzled disciples :

“This same Jesus taken away from you into heaven, He will return”  (Acts 1).


I have not been to Jerusalem to see the empty tomb. God has not given us many authentic items from the life of the Lord Jesus – no books, no clothing, no paintings – why?? - lest we worship them. Even the original writings of the Apostles as lost – again lest people worship the book instead of the Lord. {as happens in several religions}. The verification of the Bible is clear from the 5000 portion and copies.  The experience of knowing personally, the living Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit is very real – He is very much alive.

The fulfillment of prophecy points to the return of one glorious person – Jesus, the Son of God, Jesus the lamb of God that was slain.

The word spoken to John is very appropriate:

“I am He the liveth, that was dead and behold I am alive forever more”

  (Revelation 1)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Who shall I vote for



Many people for many reasons are calling for voters, to vote for them. And some with good intentions.

But across the world , inequalities and greed seem to spoil democracies. Dictatorships are crumbling and chaos seems to be the order of the day . Propaganda  causes one to despair of knowing the truth of the matter.  Is there any hope?

Yes – the greatest lawgiver of all time was known as the meekest man on all the earth – Moses. Why so? – because he communicated the law for God = ‘under God’.

Yes – the greatest rescuer, deliverer, restorer of all time , humbled Himself to serve God and man  --  Jesus.  That one solitary life has brought hope, peace and purpose to more people around the world, than any other.

Voters look for a ‘strongman’. For brave ideologists, for articulate orators, for those who will benefit them most.

The Lord Jesus stooped to heal the sick, stopped to bless the children, went out of His way to rescue a stranger, disregarded His reputation in declaring the truth, didn’t shy away from suffering for the salvation of lost people.

 A leader?  Yes but so much more:

He gave moral teaching for society and as a leading shepherd He laid down His life for wayward sheep.  He cared most for the greater need for people to be reconnected with God.  His greatest gift was eternal life available to all who truly believe in Him.

Friday, March 8, 2024

Hope beyond today


An unusual verse from Isaiah 49:4

“My work all seems so useless! I have spent my strength for nothing and to no purpose at all. Yet I leave it all in the Lord’s hand; I will trust God for my reward.”

In this Messianic section, we are caused to ponder the three and half years that Jesus served among the people. And at the end it all seemed to be a failure. He died very much alone. It was resurrection that changed the story.

Is there someone reading this who feels the same pain? You have served God as best you are able, and the results are discouraging.

I know many who have yielded all for Christ and seemingly “failed”!

Read this verse in your own Bible. Then that remember the Lord God, the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ operates on the long range view and ‘everyone shall have praise of God’. In the day when the heavenly account keeper opens the books, then we’ll understand!

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Who is this man


The Word

John 1  “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God….The Word was made flesh “

Written at a time when much of the dust had settled. The Jews had determined to oppose Christ and the Gnostics were being exposed. John writes about one he had known so well, now know fully by the Holy Spirit.

“In the beginning” – takes us back to Genesis 1, where God spoke and His word was effective in designing, creating and ordering His new creation.

Now John1:1 , the beginning is qualified as the outcome of a person , the Word, revealed in a visible person – “The word was made flesh and dwelt among us”. Emphatically the creation is the work of God.


“The Word was with God” – this expresses the companionship in the Deity.

“The Word was God” – many consider John the Apostle as going too far so they manipulate the text. But John states the same in his letter – “Jesus Christ , He is the true God”. The Jews understood the claim of Jesus “My Father” as claiming equality with God. So they took up stones to kill Him for blasphemy. Jesus went on to demonstrate by signs that His claim was valid. Thomas expressed it so clearly when he saw the risen Jesus – “My Lord and my God” (John 20).

“All things were made by Him.” He alone could make something precise out of nothing. A world so finely tuned! As Isaiah said “He made the world to be lived in. not a place of empty chaos.” (Isaiah 45). And so it was.

But darkness intruded and chaos followed. Who then could be the light to dispel the darkness? Moses was indeed a candle, and John the Baptiser a lamp. But of the Word – “In Him was life, and the life was the light of men”. As He  came , even in the form of a man, He was the light of the world.

Verse 14 “We have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son of the Father, full of grace and truth.” This unique person who was radiating the glory of  God the Father, could say:- “He that has seen me has seen the Father”

So much more could be written, but it is appropriate that I kneel and worship Him :

 “my Lord and my God”.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Law fulfilled


The Law…..

“The LORD has magnified His law and made it glorious. Through it He has planned to show the world that He is righteous”  Isaiah 42:21

This significant verse has two interpretations.

1. The law was given through Moses to reveal the righteous character of God.

-God Himself as Holy

-God relating Himself to humanity as righteous (righteous meaning—right actions in all situations)

This righteousness is seen in both the unbending commands as well as the high standards of reconciliation by sacrifice. (nothing less)

2. The law was given to man, to Israel and they failed to honour it by persistent idolatry.  The law was fully and finally honoured in the person of Jesus. His holiness undimmed, unstained, along with His righteous behaviour in accord with God’s will as appropriate to the need and situation.

Well might God the Father say from heaven:

“This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased”  (Matthew 3)

Such could not be said of any other. 

And so the law is significant as a light to the nations.

The law has been fulfilled in the radiant Lord Jesus Christ. All may see the Holiness and grace of God in Jesus Christ our Lord.

The application is  - how precious that the Christian  is “in Christ”.