An empty tomb.
Does it matter? Yes and no!
No – we have on good authority the good news that by His death and resurrection
all can be forgiven. By His resurrection the gift of eternal life is certain.
Yes – to know that Jesus died on Golgotha (Calvary) is important.
{Islam denies it}. The prophecies of the
Old Testament Prophets, the predictions of Jesus, the records of historians, the
writings of witnesses, all testify that
Jesus actually died. The Lord Jesus Himself gave the purpose.
“The Good Shepherd gives His life for the sheep” John 10
Yes -To be assured that Jesus lives is fundamental. {denied by atheists,
agnostics, infidels, naturalists}. If Jesus is dead, all hope is lost. But no
one could produce the body of Jesus. The Roman guards, the Jewish detractors or
anyone. The disciples were powerless and afraid. Only the women had the courage
to try to anoint the body of the once crucified Lord.
To them the Angels said “ He is risen….” (Luke 24)
shortly afterward the disciples said “we have seen the Lord”. The Lord Jesus
Himself said to them – “look at my hands and my feet….”
As the Lord Jesus ascended up into the clouds, two
angels announced to the puzzled disciples :
same Jesus taken away from you into heaven, He will return” (Acts 1).
have not been to Jerusalem to see the empty tomb. God has not given us many
authentic items from the life of the Lord Jesus – no books, no clothing, no
paintings – why?? - lest we worship them. Even the original writings of the
Apostles as lost – again lest people worship the book instead of the Lord. {as
happens in several religions}. The verification of the Bible is clear from the
5000 portion and copies. The experience
of knowing personally, the living Lord Jesus by the Holy Spirit is very real –
He is very much alive.
fulfillment of prophecy points to the return of one glorious person – Jesus,
the Son of God, Jesus the lamb of God that was slain.
word spoken to John is very appropriate:
“I am He the liveth, that was dead and behold I am alive forever more”
(Revelation 1)
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