
Sunday, December 15, 2024

The story of Jesus


   “Let me tell you the story of Jesus”  ( for the millions who have never heard)

Before Jesus was born in Bethlehem, He was busy in heaven making and sustaining the world.

   Gabrial, the angel from heaven said to Mary that her baby would be called:

“the Son of the Highest” – this means He was coming to represent God to all people. No other prophet could do this completely, but Jesus Christ did.

    When Jesus was born to Mary in Bethlehem in Israel, another angel announced that this baby was the Saviour, ‘Christ the LORD’. God knew that we sinners needed to be saved. We needed His forgiveness.

   Jesus went to school and  learned a trade as a carpenter.

Then at the age of 30 years, He was baptised. A voice from heaven said “This is My Beloved Son. I am fully pleased with Him”  (Matthew 3)

Many people wanted Him to bring peace on the earth, but no, God wanted to connect with individuals. They needed personal change, more than political solutions – forgiveness of sins, acceptance into God’s spiritual family, eternal life in the life to come etc. So the plan of God was different. He wanted to change hearts!

    The Lord Jesus taught the truth, healed the sick, raised dead people to life. After three years , the plan seemed to all go wrong. Jesus was arrested  and by the Jewish court considered not worthy to live (blasphemy charge because He claimed to be the Son of God – Mark 14).

Jesus was considered innocent by the Roman judge, but the crowd got their way and Jesus was sentenced to be crucified – dying on a cross. He was nailed to a cross, along with two others. He was left to die, but instead of dying from crucifixion, He gave up His spirit  to the Father and so died.

    On the third day after, God raised Him to life again. His surprised followers were so happy. They ate with Him. They listened to Him. He explained to them that the sufferings of the cross were necessary in God’s plan.

After 40 days, He was talking to them outside Jerusalem when suddenly He was taken up and a cloud hid Him from their eyes. Two angels stood beside them and said: “This same Jesus you have seen taken up into heaven, will come again” (Acts 1)

     The fearful followers waited for God to give them further instructions and sure enough, the Holy Spirit came to explain who Jesus really was, what He had achieved by dying on the cross and their responsibility to tell the Good News to all people everywhere.

    And so the New Testament was written so that all should believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. By believing in Him, all can have forgiveness, new birth into the family of God and the gift of Eternal Life with Him forever.

      Since then, millions have found the promises of God to be true. The Holy Spirit has transformed the lives of so many and created a relationship with the living Lord Jesus that is greater than religion, greater than circumstances and is for all peoples of the world. He is Lord of all. (Acts 10)

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