
Tuesday, September 24, 2024



The Gospel remains unchanged:

Repentance – Accepting that God is just and His verdict on sin is correct. My self will is surrendered to His will.

Faith -  Faith in Jesus of Nazareth as the Lord who came down from heaven, the Son of God. Once crucified, He is now risen from the dead and exalted at God's right hand in heaven. Lord I believe.

Evangelism  -  The spreading of this good news, in Bible times took many forms which are still good for today.

Public speaking – Acts 2

In court    - Acts  5, 7

In conversation   Acts 8

Religious debate   Acts 9

In Gentile homes   Acts 10

Before political leaders Acts 13

By the riverside   Acts 16

In Jail     Acts 16

In the public market place Acts 17

At the university   Acts 17

And so it is today – we have abundant opportunities to present the Gospel to those who need it most. In fact we have so many more means to share the light of God’s word. Since the printing press was invented, speaking the Gospel via telephone, radio, and now the internet!

It was the Lord Jesus who said “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel.” 

 (Mark 16)  Am I, are you willing to obey His command?

 In His hand, by His Holy Spirit to be a channel of truth to so many lost peoples?

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