
Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Who is this man?


"Jesus awoke and He rebuked the wind and said to the sea: “Peace be still”. The wind ceased and there was a great calm.”

“Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” (Mark 4.39)

Jesus – the baby, the boy, the teenager, the tradesman, the man delighting the God the Father.

Christ – The promised King and Messiah anointed by the Holy Spirit

Lord – the one who came down from heaven and now in heaven is Lord of all

Son of God – The only one who represents God perfectly

Saviour – the perfect one who saves from sin and hell

Lamb  of God – He who never sinned, died for sinners

Son of man – He who being man will rule over all people

Prince of peace – His rule as King will bring peace.

Redeemer – We belong to Him, bought by His own blood

King of the Jews – Born into king David’s ancestry, He will reign over all.

High Priest – Presently acting as our intercessor in heaven.

Shepherd – One who cares enough to die for His sheep.

Judge – appointed by God the Father to judge all.

Advocate – pleading before the holy throne for His failing people.


Do you know HIM?

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