
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Tree of Life


The Tree of life

The account of God interacting with the first humans (Adam and Eve), involves the pleasant circumstance of the Garden of Eden - Genesis 2,3.  God tested their love and loyalty by giving them one command (see John 14:15 –“if you love Me, obey My commands”)

The intrusion of Satan’s lie, spoilt that loyalty and they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. What did that do for them? Instead of enjoying the garden, and God’s visits, like a young child enjoying parental care and protection, they became like restless teenagers, aware of evil and struggling to resist temptation. They could see the enemy and evil, but unable to conquer it. Outside the garden, their disconnection from God made life difficult.

Why then did God prevent them from eating of the tree of life??  – lest they live forever in this state of disconnection from God, conquered by the evil around them. Indeed God had a better plan! His plan was that humans should live forever (eternal life) in a reconciled and restored state better than the Garden of Eden.

And so this tree of life is not mentioned again until the last book of the Bible. Revelation chapter22 describes the end conclusion of the plan of God. It is a city where the river of life flows by the trees of life. This is God’s final paradise for redeemed humanity. In that city  stands the throne of God and of the Lamb, as the source of all good. Satan is bound(Rev 20), and all delight to worship God and the Lamb. Better than Eden, they shall see His face (something that was impossible before Jesus came.)

Revelation 22:14 How happy are those who are washed (forgiven and sanctified) – they eat with delight from the Tree of Life.

Revelation 22:30 – the believer delights to say “Come Lord Jesus”

Jesus promised this eternal life to those who listened to Him (in contrast to Eve listening to Satan.)

John 5:24  “ Those who listen to My voice, and believe in God who sent Me ( sent down from heaven), have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.” (NLT)

This promise along with many others, is why a Christian is not afraid of judgement day, but rather anticipates being in the paradise of God where the tree of life will be abundantly available .

“Sometimes I grow homesick for heaven

And the joys I there shall behold

What a day that will be

When my Saviour I see

In that beautiful city of God”

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