
Sunday, April 9, 2023



Did Jesus really rise from the dead?

All historians agree that Jesus died. Many doubt that He rose again.

The evidence that He rose and lives today is both in the Bible and in peoples lives. Many people, especially in the muslim world have had encounters with the living Jesus – visions, dream and more. The fast growth of Christianity in communist lands is not the result of political contest nor the result of clever strategy. It is the Holy Spirit winning the hearts of the people to trust in Jesus, so much so that they are willing to die for the living  Jesus Christ the Lord. (not for the church or any organisation).

The Bible record of Jesus alive after dying is varied. John the apostle saw and heard Him as recorded in Revelation 1: Jesus said “I was dead, I am alive forevermore”

Saul the persecutor of the Christians (Acts 9), heard the voice of Jesus from heaven and it completely changed his life. “who are you Lord” Saul said “I am Jesus“ was the reply .

One of the earliest writings of the New Testament  (1 Corinthians 15), attested that He rose from death and was seen by more than 500 people, many of whom were alive at the time of the writing and could be interviewed for verification.

It is good to research the four accounts of the resurrection – Matthew, Mark , Luke, John. A good forensic detective will notice discrepancies in the records. This proves there was little or no collusion, thus justifying the validity of their story from different perspectives. They all maintain the same central  point – He died and rose again with many witness to both.

Let me conclude (for much more could written) with the words of Jesus Himself before He was arrested:

“As you know, we are going to Jerusalem. And when we get there all the predictions of the ancient prophets concerning the son of man will come true. He will be handed over to the Romans to be mocked, treated shamefully and spit upon. They will whip him and kill him but on the third day he will rise again.”  (Luke 18:31)

At the empty tomb the angels said “Don’t you remember what He told you…..”

And so should we – remember His words and worship Him the once crucified, now living Lord and Saviour.

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