Christian Distinctives.
Christianity begins with three
fundamentals to existence.
1. Life. Most assume life, but no. Human life ,
chemical life, natural life, is but a minor part of life . Jesus Christ Himself
is presented as the source of all life (creator and sustainer), and to a broken
world of humans, He is the source of spiritual life. Often this is called
eternal life, being participation in the life of God. Being born again, born of
the Holy Spirit is a connection with God as children to a Father.
2. Light. Everyone claims to know a thing or two –
sometimes what they have discovered, sometimes what they have been taught.
Moses shed much light on the situation when he brought to the people the law of
God. This light exposed the wrong and pointed the people away to a cure outside
of themselves. When Jesus came, the light of ‘grace and truth’ pushed back the
darkness. The revealing of God in mercy and grace enabled many unworthy people
to press into the kingdom of God. The truth lived and taught by Jesus Christ
enabled His followers to live on a much higher plane. To follow Him was and is
to walk in the light.
3. Love. Humanity has always wanted love. Various
forms of love have been tried – lustful, family, natural. Only in God’s love can people know true love.
‘Agape’ love stands unique. It is of divine origin and able to penetrate beyond
beauty, beyond worth and beyond offence. It seeks the ultimate good of the one
loved. As a Christian accepts and absorbs
this unique love of God, the mind, the attitude, the heart are changed. One is
then able to live life rejoicing in God’s love and to live like God.
then becomes the spring and motive of action. This is true life being lived in
the light of God, by the love of God.
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