Our connection to God is by faith in Jesus Christ the Lord.
The Jewish people did and still do have much faith in Moses
and the law (Torah) given by Moses. Their zeal is admirable, but misdirected
faith and ignorant zeal leads to disaster. God has fulfilled His promises by
sending His Son to be the object of faith.
In the mind of God there is no distinction between Jews and
all nations (Romans 10:12), for the same Lord Jesus, is Lord of all people. He
bestows His riches on all who call on Him.
Becoming a Christian is very simple with profound
consequences (for good), as described in the Bible (Romans 10:9)
‘ If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord (the Lord
who came down from heaven) and believe in your heart that God raised Him from
the dead (having died for our sins on the cross), you will be saved.’
This is one of those great and precious promises that we can
believe and hold onto. God is trustworthy and He will keep His promises.
Recently I gave a half hour explanation of Romans 10, but just
now I want you the reader to be sure you are a genuine Christian, not by means
of religion, good works, zeal, ceremony or knowledge. God who knows the hearts
of all, reaches out to all in good
faith, with the promise of eternal life, for all who will receive Jesus Christ
for who He claimed to be (the Son of God from Heaven) and genuinely believe
that God has vindicated Him (in His sacrifice for our sins in His death), by
raising Him from the dead.
Or as Paul put it so simply – “ Believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ and you will be saved” (Acts 16.31)
The outcomes are extensive in this life and the life to come,
but for now let us be sure to take this step of faith that gives us a place in
the family of God.
I pray that you will take time to seek the Lord today.
John McKee
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