
Saturday, August 29, 2015

God the judge

Recently I was asked to expound Romans chapter two. My studies and meditations may be a blessing to someone:
       This chapter has a significant change from chapter 1.  In that chapter is described the wrath and anger of God against all wilful rejection of the knowledge of God. That leads to a downward spiral of spiritual and moral decay.

      Chapter two changes from ‘them’  to ‘you’. Not now speaking of the profligate prodigal, but to the self- righteous older brother. This section is not about feelings but rather ‘JUDGEMENT’. In fact the key expression is GOD’S JUDGEMENT  - see verse 2, 3, 5, 29 with 3:19.

      This first paragraph addresses those who choose to sit in God’s judgement seat, condemning others to justify themselves. The Lord Jesus identified this problem in the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector. One said “I am not as other men are...”
Education, religion, morality, generosity  etc are helpful, but give no exemption from the judgement of God.
       Verse 4 – some think that because life is going well, they are OK and assume God is either happy with them or that he is non existent.
       Verse 5 – God’s final anger against sin, the judgement day has not yet arrived – then the books will be opened and the true motives and attitudes be revealed.
“ You are they who justify yourselves before men, but God knows the heart”

   Verses 6 -11  Will God be fair in judgement ?

To be continued soon....................john

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