The Gospel according to John the Apostle
John gathers together timeless truth needed by all people for
all times. In contrast to the passing religious fads that claim superior
knowledge, (Gnostics) the truth of John 1 has and will endure through time into
John’s focus is immediate – upon the one who came down from
heaven. The contrast between His heavenly, intrinsic glory and His earthy
obscurity is set forth right to the end of the book.
He is the Word, the final, full communication from God (Hebrews
1:1) , yet He is unknown among His
people (the Jews). In the end they crucify Him because He ‘made Himself the Son
of God’ ( John 19.7).
As we read John’s account of the evidence (signs), he has no
hesitation in declaring that Jesus is the Christ (Messiah), the Son of
God. The first sign seems to demonstrate
His control over nature by the word of His mouth. The discourse with Nicodemus
leads to the conclusion that all, the Jews and the world at large , need a new
start, a new spiritual connection with God. It is interesting that the promise
of life eternal is linked to the Lord being lifted up (on the cross). The last
verse of John 3 is somewhat of a summary of God’s grace revealed - life eternal is for all those who believe in God’s Son, or wrath from God to
those who choose not to believe in Him. Although God’s love has moved to the
whole world (cosmos), God remains true to His character in giving human beings
the free choice, along with accountability for the choice.
Chapter 4 sees the grace of God (John 1:17) reaching out to
the world beginning with the unlikely Samaritans.
This chapter concludes with the second sign identified by John the writer –
that Jesus could heal a person without being present with that person. Time and
space were no obstacle to Him. The official believed this and was blessed as a
I trust that we likewise have that simple yet intelligent
faith in HIM. To receive HIM, believing in HIS name ( i.e accepting His claims
as Son of God), trusting HIS word, and submitting to HIM as the true Word of
John in his 1st letter concludes
“Whoever has the Son
,has life. whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life” (1 John 5:12)
Knowing God is possible, not through the systems or
imaginative theories of men, but rather through faith in the Son of God. (John
17.3). He is the way, the truth and the
life, and thus we can know the truth, as we know HIM. His word is sure, His
promises are trustworthy.
How blessed we are to have the Bible as our compass pointing
us to Jesus Christ the Son of the living God. From Genesis 1 to Revelation 22, HE is revealed in His majestic glory.
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