
Sunday, September 28, 2014

Love does matter

Ephesus – privilege brings responsibility

We have briefly noticed in the last few articles, some important truth conveyed to the believers at Ephesus. Now I would like you to notice the situation many years later as the Lord in heaven monitors the condition of the believers.

Revelation 2:3,4 “ have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and have not grown weary.  Yet I hold this against you  :  You have forsaken your first love......”

The lesson of this account is quite obvious  - we may have much of good, godly things in place, but if we miss or lose first love, all else is vain. The believers had so much commendable, yet they were threatened with removal of the lamp stand. Let us catch the significance of love, devotion, adoration to our risen, living Lord Jesus Christ. Without this motive, this response of heart, all service becomes hollow.

Chapter 3.19 puts it another way   “ Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline .” Here HIS motive is revealed – His actions toward us are motivated by love (so undeserved). How much more should we love Him who first loved us!

Rather than explore the detail of this little letter, let us first take time out to search our hearts, our motives, our agenda, our devotion  - is it love to the Lord?

I conclude my meditations on Ephesians with the last verse

“Grace to all who love our Lord Jesus  Christ with an undying love.”

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