1 Peter
This letter from the Apostle Peter is a brilliant compass for
the journey from being lost, right into heaven itself. It is a great book of
themes. To help my readers, I would like to trace some themes.
It is a common
mistake we all fall into - reading the Bible to find something for
ourselves. Perhaps we will begin by
looking at what is in this letter “for God”!
Chapter 1, verse 1 and chapter 5:13 present God as choosing.
How good it is to honour God as having the right to choose and the honour of always
choosing wisely.
Verse 2 – He knows all things including the future, and by His
spirit applies the blood of Christ to effect redemption, thus bringing the
wandering people back to Himself.
Verse 3 – He is the happy, blessed God. He is distinguished as
the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
He is working toward the objective in verse 7 – the revealing
of Jesus Christ in glory. His purpose will not thwarted. Chapter 5.10 the glory
of our Lord is assured.
As we highlight
the mentions of God our faith and hope is established in God, not ourselves or
our circumstances. Ch1.21
Please read the chapter through again and then continue
reading, highlighting the mentions of God and God at work. You will be blessed.
more later
John McKee
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