– discerning the difference
The natural
world is measurable, observable and generally relates to our five senses. To
see, to hear, to taste, to touch, to smell. By these we respond with speaking,
moving, eating, working etc.
The natural is
generally governed by the laws of nature. Most of our feelings are related to
these stimuli. Much of our behaviour is directed by our DNA.
Spiritual by
contrast is outside of nature, feelings
and the five senses. The spiritual may at times channel through the natural,
but is essentially distinct. Let me illustrate – Angels are Spirit beings. They
are intelligent and interact with God and others yet being unseen and unheard.
On occasions they may operate in the visible world (Genesis 18:2). They of course like us are finite, yet they
operate outside of the laws of Nature.
Our spirit
is more than feelings, more than imagination. Our spirit is that intelligent
part of our being able to interact with God by His Spirit. I desire to
distinguish between ‘gut feeling’ and spiritual enlightenment. God gives
enlightenment and it is our choice as to how we respond to it. We can overcome
the natural, by obeying the spiritual.
The human
brain is capable to pulling together much information to give a direction, impulse,
feelings. The influence of the Spirit of God with our spirit goes beyond that.
Several illustrations from the Bible may be the best way to explain.
Acts 27 –
Paul is facing the likelihood of shipwreck, execution by the soldiers or drowning
at sea. Natural instinct is panic or despair. But a spirit being (the angel of the Lord) stood by him and gave him intelligence from
God – a promise of life, a promise of converts. Paul overcame the natural, by
the spiritual and God fulfilled His promise.
A little
closer to home. In Romans 7, a man finds himself struggling under the
diversions of a fallen nature – inclined to do wrong things. It seems to be
made worse, because the communication from God, a spiritual message, seems to
make the despair worse. The law is
explains the distinction between ‘knowing’ what is the right thing to do
(Spiritual) and following through when one is naturally inclined to wrong. The victory is in chapter 8
when we understand the truth (not the feeling), the truth of what God has done
by Christ Jesus. We understand that through Christ’s death, we are not
condemned (even though we have sinned). This will affect our feelings, may even
bring tears of hope, relief and joy to our eyes. But my point is that the
spiritual part is God’s communicating to our spirits the intelligence of God’s
attitude, God’s actions toward us.
The chapter
goes on to explain how God has done this and then by the communication of the
Spirit, joins us to God, so that we connect with the invisible God as “ Abba
Father”. To the natural man this is all non sense!
Life then has
a different motive, different meaning, different point of reference -- a
Spiritual connection with a Spiritual being.
The Lord
Jesus taught the priority of the spiritual in another way. He said ‘blessed are
the poor’, meaning the natural inclination to attain status, to be richer, is not the
spiritual way. He said “blessed are the meek”, meaning the idea of prominence, powers,
prestige, are not God’s thinking. He
said blessed are they that mourn. This morose direction is not popular, but God
connects with those who see beyond the visible and are concerned for the
He seems to
go too far and say “blessed are you when you are mocked and persecuted”. Are we
not to make this a better world where everyone is happy forever after? Well, what does He mean? His very presence on
earth was the greatest of all “Spiritual” revelations. God the invisible
(Spirit) was revealed in flesh (unspoiled humanity). The reaction to Him (faith
or unbelief) was the fundamental choice of receiving the Spirit’s revelation or
not. To reject Him, is to sin (the unpardonable sin) against the Holy Spirit.
To receive Him, the ongoing enlightenment of the Holy Spirit establishes a
connection of relationship that abides for eternity. So to be mocked for HIS
sake is connecting with the spiritual one.
Real life,
eternal life, is to know God in Christ (John 17). To understand this is
important before trying to sort out spiritual gifts, spiritual communications
Thus far we
see the Invisible God (a spirit being) making contact with visible
mankind. The teachings of the Lord Jesus
and the apostles are full of encouragement for us to see the spiritual, eternal
realities. The Lord Jesus said so much about heaven.
Peter and
Paul preached about our spiritual condition before God and the real possibility
of being forgiven by an unseen God. Peter wrote about us being ‘partakers of
the Divine nature’ – This is spiritual reality stuff. John exhorted us to live
in Love - not natural love, but God’s ‘agape’ love.
Then an observant
reader of the New Testament will notice the exhortation to let these spiritual
truths influence our natural life. Not two compartments, natural and spiritual,
but rather bringing the whole life into the obedience of Christ – Sowing to the
Spirit - Galatians 6.
Much could
be said about how this applies today. First I suggest be wary of strange
voices, with fleshly directions. A true
prophet, a teacher, a healer, a word of wisdom etc, must operate to glory
Christ, to be true to the Holy Spirit.
A Spiritual
person (one in touch with God) will evidence the fruit of the Spirit. A spiritual work or mission will focus on
making Christ known in a verbal or practical way. A spiritual outlook will be
like Moses who lived life in the light of the invisible, in the values of the
Eternal and Hebrews 11 records the effect on his choices.
Praying in
the Spirit is addressing the unseen Father through the exalted Lord Jesus
Christ, praying in accord with God’s will, that He the living One might act in
the spirit world and the natural world over which He has ultimate control. Let us then, worship God in spirit and in
truth (John 4).
In conclusion
to this brief consideration, let me point to the evidence of a spiritual
Love (God’s
kind of love),
(happiness in God)
Peace (Faith
in one Greater than the natural circumstances)
(going beyond instinct in care)
(Acting by God’s values)
(Being true to right and responsibilities)
(Not driven by impulse or self interest, but considerate of others)
Self Control
(the natural, fallen inclination brought under obedience to Christ)
scriptures say, these are the outcomes of those walking in the Spirit, filled
with the Spirit (Galations 5)
May it be so
in every life.
John McKee comments to johnmckee@internode.on.net
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