
Sunday, February 3, 2013

The evangelism of the Lord from heaven

       One might have thought that the master evangelist would have used some highly researched method to save the world. Well, yes He did, but not by our standards.  He reached out to people - all sorts of people in all sorts of places, usually as individuals. ( not counting numbers, but reaching hearts ).

       In John 1, it is a referral from John the Baptist that effects a following. Chapter 2 miraculous signs are having an impact. In chapter 3, He is available for consultation all hours. Chapter 4 He breaks cultural boundaries to reach a stranger.   Chapter 5 He meets a man in his felt need  (physical sickness).    The crowd of chapter 6 seem promising, but as usual their interest turns fickle and He is left with twelve.
     John 9 highlights His desire to help the disabled, not only removing the disability but rather the revealing of Himself to faith.  Chapter 10, He opens the door to the sheep to come in and in beautiful symbolic language presents himself as the Good Shepherd  as the answer to all the needs of the sheep that follow Him. note that John repeatedly indicates that the blessing of grace goes beyond the Jewish fold.

   By human estimates, His three years of service were a failure.  Yet 2000 years later He and His ministry are impacting millions. Does God know what He is doing??  --  sure does!

" It is not by might nor by power, but by my spirit say the Lord"


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