Our lesson at school today comes from the Bible book of Matthew,
chapter 9.
The incident of a paralyzed man highlights the greater need –
physical wellbeing or spiritual peace with God.
And then it identifies Jesus as having authority to cure both problems
because He was and is the Son of God.
“I will prove that I the Son of Man, have the authority on
earth to forgive sins.”
Then Jesus turned to the paralyzed man and said:
“Stand up, take up your mat and go home, because you are healed.”
Without medicine, Jesus could reverse the brokenness of the
physical problem. Without reference to anyone else, Jesus could forgive the man’s
spiritual problem – the problem of sin that disconnects people from God.
Indeed, who is this man who can still the storm, heal the
sick, raise the dead and declare the guilty forgiven?”
“If you will confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord (the Lord
from heaven),
And believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the
You will be saved.”
(Romans 10.9)
He can be trusted to keep His promise.
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