Holy Spirit in the teachings of the Apostles
one of the earliest writings, 'James', reads " The Spirit that dwells in
us." – just like Romans 8:9
to trace the mentions of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel explanation – Romans:
holy Spirit raised Jesus from death
1;4, 8;11
hearts are filled with God's love by the Holy Spirit. 5:5, 15:30
new way to serve God is by the Holy Spirit . 7:6
life giving Spirit gives freedom from sin.
be controlled by the Spirit, is to think about spirit things. 8:5
and peace are the result of a Spirit controlled mind. 8:6
of sin is by the Holy Spirit. 8:13, 14
is our 'Abba Father' by the Spirit of God. 8:14.16
presence of the Holy Spirit is a foretaste of glory 8:23
is the one who comes alongside to help in prayer. 8:26, 27
comes through the power of the Holy Spirit. 15:13
is by the Holy Spirit. 15:16
and signs are by the Holy Spirit. 15:19
how blessed we are to have the Holy Spirit.
How shall we fit all the teaching into these short articles?? Please
follow a concordance to study all the mentions of the Holy Spirit in
Corinthians and Galatians – so important foe Christian living and victory over
law keeping.(I may get to them later)..
would like to focus on the "filling of the Spirit" in Ephesians 4:18.
It is essential to survey the context:-
1:13 Each believer is sealed with the Holy Spirit.
All believers by one Spirit have access to the Father.
The whole body of believers is made into a temple of praise by the Spirit. 3:15
The inspiration of scripture is by the Spirit.
The Spirit connects with our inner being (spirit) and heart to understand the
unknowable love of God. 4:3 Unity is by the Spirit.
Spirit and mind are linked together. 4:30 He can be grieved.
"Be filled with the Spirit" – I would like to focus on this to clear
up confusion about being filled with the Spirit.
Five times in the book of Acts is mention made
of disciples being filled with the Spirit. Each context verifies that this was to enable serving the Lord. Here in
Ephesians the explanation is given. It is the opposite of being intoxicated
with alcohol, which removes control and moral guidelines, and ends up often
with debauchery. The aftermath is devastating.
with the Spirit is the opposite – full control, not by our self nature, but by
God's Spirit. Then verses 19-33 tell us
what that will be like.
1 "Psalms , hymns and spiritual songs"
will be our delight because we are enjoying the wonderful things that God , in
Christ, has done. Review chapter 1-4
"Giving thanks always for
everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" If we
let the Spirit help us count our many blessings, we will never cease to praise
3 "Submitting to one another out of
reverence for Christ" This is not pleasing to the natural person, but for
the born again , spirit filled person a
very moderate attitude prevails. Others are more important than self!
4 "Wives submit to your own husbands,
as to the Lord". It may be countercultural, but this is the command of the
Holy Spirit. Would He be wise enough to know what is best?
5 "Husbands love your wives, as Christ
loved the church". A husband filled with the Spirit will be responsible
for, protective of, and faithful to the wife. Christ's love will prevail.
6 "Children obey". The Holy
Spirit intends children to learn obedience, giving respect to parents, inspite
of their faults.
7 "Fathers provoke not". By the Spirit, Fathers will be able to control
the natural instinct to abuse power, and implement the discipline and
instruction of the Lord.
8 "Servants, obey your earthly
masters" Servants filled with the Spirit will work well and not be
9 "Masters treat your slaves/servants
right." How different the Christian master should be. In the face of
temptation to make money, to abuse power, the Spirit guided master is reflect
the Master in heaven.
alternative to being filled with the Spirit is described in Ephesians 2:2 "following the course of this world,
following the prince of the power of the air(satan controlling radio, tv,
internet etc), the spirit that is now working in the children of
disobedience.........passions of our flesh, desires of the body and
there is a real conflict between the Holy Spirit and the natural world as
dominated by the devil. Chapter 6:12 identifies this conflict, and the need to
take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. This is both to control our own sinful
desires and to prevent others controlling us. Be careful not to welcome strange
spirits into your mind and life. The Holy Spirit operates in us as we yield to
His voice in the Spirit inspired scriptures. He leads us nearer to God our
Father, He leads in praise filled Christian living and He fills us with God's
love so that we can selflessly love others.
Well there is more, but for now sing, submit, the Spirit.
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