
Thursday, August 6, 2020

Judgement day

Bible  - John Chapter 5

God is holy and in keeping with His character He must and will judge all people.

Under the law given to Moses (10 commandments etc), the judgement was to be carried out by the leaders in the nation. – the king, the elders, the judges.  However this system failed because the leading ones were not qualified. This is the situation recorded in John chapter 8 when Jesus said to the accusers “ He that is without sin, let him cast the first stone” – so they all left.

In John chapter 5, Jesus makes some happy, yet astounding statements.

1         God will judge the world in righteousness. (fair)

2         God will judge the world by Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ will be the judge on judgement day because he has experienced being a human as well as being the Son.

3         All the dead will be raised by the command of Christ.

4         Some will be raised to eternal life. The others will be raised to eternal damnation.

5         A wonderful promise is given by the Lord in verse 24:  Everyone who hears (accepts) the words of Jesus, and believes in God the Father who sent Him, will not be judged, but has passed from death (present condition) into life (born into the family of God).

Please take the time to read this section through. In particular read carefully John chapter 5 verse 24.


What a wonderful experience it is to be forgiven by God through the death of the Lord Jesus and no longer live in the fear of the Judgement day.

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