I must needs return to the message of the Gospel.
Scripture text:
“Christ died for our sins
according to the scriptures, He was buried and the third day rose again
according to the scriptures.” 1
Corinthians 15
History is a witness to the fact
that Jesus Christ was crucified. We could refer to historians of that time –
Josephus and Tacitus. Also the rejection of the Gospel message by Jews and
Gentiles related to the shame of following a once crucified leader. Paul adds significant
evidence :- “according to the scriptures” – these scriptures like Isaiah 53,
show that the death of Jesus Christ was no accident. Rather had God planned it,
God had spoken about it ahead of time and also explained why.
Why did Jesus Christ die? - because of our sins!
This immediately brings into view
the human condition:
.....Lost away from God
.......By natural inclination
doing and saying and thinking in disobedience to God
..........Guilty before God’s
laws, condemned by God’s judgement.
...............Helpless as to
rectifying the problem
Some have tried to cure the problem
by education ( for two centuries of enlightenment, the heart of man has not
changed), by wealth (wealth and riches increase discontent and selfishness),
Religion (humanity continues to be destroyed by man made religions).
The only answer “Christ died for
our sins”
When we take sin seriously, admit to
God we have a problem, and that we have a history of wrongdoing, then God has
an answer:
“God spared not His own Son, but delivered
Him up for us all.”
The prophet put it so well:
“All of us like sheep have gone
astray, we have turned everyone to his own way, BUT the Lord has laid on Him
the guilt of us all.” Isaiah 53
The promise of forgiveness by the
sacrifice of Christ on the cross is liberating. But what about help to change
from the old life of sinful habits?
The answer – “he was raised the
third day according to the scriptures”
1 Corinthians 15
Because the Lord Jesus lives, we
are directed to live new lives and we are given the power to live new, holy,
joyful lives.
Every believer is tempted to sin,
but the Holy Spirit give us the ability to say ‘no’. When the call of the Lord
to live for Him seems beyond human capacity, the Holy Spirit enables us to say ‘yes
– by God’s help’
A little chorus puts it well:
‘You rose up from the grave
To me new life you gave
Thank you Lord for loving me’
So what is the message of the gospel?
“Let it be known unto you
therefore, that through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and
by Him everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not
be freed by the law of Moses” Acts 13
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
and you will be saved.” Acts 16
There is so much more – the promise
of eternal life, the purpose of serving a new master, the welcome into the
family of God, the prospect of heaven as home etc. So much flows from the death and resurrection
of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
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