This gem Psalm presents a true shepherd taking
his place as a sheep in God’s fold.
would like to give this song a little context:
years ago a realist stood up and said “ All of us have strayed away like lost
sheep” and to make matters worse he said “ we have encouraged everyone to do
his own thing, go his own way”
was right when he said “you were as sheep going astray but now have returned to
the shepherd and overseer of your souls.”
blessed we are to be able to read the word’s of the Lord Jesus Christ – “ I am
the gate, the door , whoever enters through Me will be saved”
again “I am the good Shepherd. The good
shepherd lays down His life for the sheep.”
links directly with Psalm 22. Beginning with ‘My God, My God why have you forsaken
me?” and after describing in detail the horrors of the cross ends with “he has
done this!”
Good shepherd saw the problem, our problem – our wandering ways, our lostness,
our guilt and He died to reconcile us back to God.
trust that we all have responded to the Good Shepherd’s invitation to ‘enter in’,
to wholeheartedly trust in Him. His promise is eternal “They shall never perish”.
24 is so different, so triumphant.
describes the chief Shepherd leading the victory procession. Well might the
spectators ask “Who is this?” It is the
Lord – notice Lord is spelt with capital letters –LORD –The personal name of God
almost too holy to utter YHWH
is the same one that the angels announced to the ‘shepherds’ near Bethlehem – “For
unto you is born this day in the city f David a Saviour who is Christ the LORD”
24 describes the present and future glories of our victorious Lord Jesus Christ.
The gates of every city will be opened wide to let the King of glory come in.
wedged in between these two appearings, we have the Psalm of the great Shepherd
– Psalm 23.
had grown up as a shepherd caring for
sheep, but he understood that he too needed a shepherd greater than himself to
care for him.
he sat on the hillsides of Bethlehem, watching over the sheep, he took his
place as a sheep in God’s care. Perhaps it was then that he took his small harp
and composed this ancient song (3000
years old). Although he became Israel’s greatest king, he was not a self made
man. The best leader is the one who can take the lowest place – as a dependant
sheep, as a humble servant.
let us meditate on the lyrics of the song:
LORD” – notice the capitals – none less than the almighty, covenant keeping God
shepherd” – David’s trust was personal and likewise this makes our trust
shall not want” – faith says ‘He is all I need’
precious it is to ‘lie down’ , content with the food he provides – food for our
tables –yes , but greater is the food for our souls and spirits. – the joy of meditation on Christ the bread
of heaven.
on the hot, demanding days to take time out to be refreshed by His Holy Spirit.
restores my soul” His gentle voice that rebukes my wandering ways, that calls
me back from selfishness, that warns me of the paths of danger. Am I daily
listening to the shepherds voice?
alone can guide me in “the paths of righteousness”
world has a standard of righteousness – unrighteousness
media has very low standards of righteousness – beware
let us resolve to be led, guided by the one voice – the shepherd’s voice.
the word in John 10 ‘My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they
follow Me.
we come to an unusual expression “For His name’s sake”
society has lost the meaning of this and instead has interposed ‘for my sake’ –
I mean the awful disease of me-ism. The commercial world is so good at
appealing to the flesh, that everything is for ME. Politics has changed from ‘who
is capable to lead’ to ‘what is in it for me?’ – and so I could go on.
genuine sheep in the Lord’s flock sees everything as being for HIM – for His
Name’s sake. My very existence is for HIM.
others are involved in life, but He must be the priority, the focus, the motive
and the Lord of all.
I have said enough for one session, but it could be that this year some of you
will go through a valley experience. Just remember that the Shepherd Himself
has also been through the deepest valley ( read Isaiah 53) and He will be with
you too. Perhaps some will face enemies ( like the millions of persecuted Christians
across the globe). The shepherd knows and cares.
best of all comes the promise at the end
will dwell in the house of the LORD forever”
is a thing most wonderful to be one of His treasured sheep, how much more to be
invited into His house!!
can be our daily enjoyment of His nearness now, but how much better when we see
His face, to be transformed into His likeness and to enjoy the place that He
has prepared for those who love Him.
then, let us trust the LORD as our Shepherd, and in the coming year let Him
lead, provide, protect and bring us into His dwelling place.
holds the key of all unknown
I am glad
other hands should hold the key
if he trusted it to me, I might be sad.
very dimness of my sight makes me secure
groping in my misty way
feel His hand: I hear Him say – My help is sure
cannot read His future plans, but this I know
have the smiling of His face
all the refuge of His Grace
here below.
John McKee
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