
Friday, February 14, 2014

Continuing studies in John 14 .9 -14

John 14.9 “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”

This statement , in answer to Philip’s question in verse 8, is a summary of this section. The Lord Jesus is not only claiming to be the way to God, the revealer of God, the giver of life, but now asserts that He is the perfect representation of God.

       At this juncture I think we need to double check our investigation by comparing this with other scriptures lest we push these verses beyond their true meaning. Matthew 16 records the claim of Jesus to be the Messiah, the Son of God. Mark begins his Gospel Jesus the Son of God John 10 quotes Jesus as saying “My Father is greater than I”
Peter repeatedly identifies Jesus as the Son of God, now seated at the right hand of God in heaven.(Acts 3.21, 1 Peter 3.22)
Paul writes of Him as the visible image of the invisible God, creater of all things (Colossian 1.15) Whoever wrote Hebrews, began with the statement “the Son reflects God’s own glory and everything about Him represents God exactly” (Hebrews 1.3)  In fact Romans 1.8 goes on to say, “to the Son He says, Thy throne O God is forever and ever”.      These with other scriptures agree with our present study, that Jesus is indeed the full and complete representative of God.

Verse 10.    Not only is He the representative of God, but now He claims to be united with the Father  -  “ I am in the Father and the Father in Me” He is speaking of oneness of relationship, a significant thread that runs on into chapter 17. Before He speaks of our unity in Him, first He speaks of the union of the Father and the Son. First He explains how His union with the Father affects His words  -- the words that He discoursed were not His own opinions or the result of His research. No, they were the words of God (see John 3.34). Likewise in Matthew 6, He says without qualification “ I say unto you”
Secondly, He identifies His miracles, His works, His  signs as being the direct result of His union with the Father. Others may do miracles of sorts eg Exodus 3, but only He could claim “I do always those things that please the Father.” (John 8.29).  Whiles the miracles were done in kindness to the people, the deeper purpose   was to identify Him, Jesus,  with the character and power of God His Father. That is why John in particular calls the works, signs.(John 20.30).

Verse 12  “I am going to the Father”
These days I seldom hear preaching about the present position and service of the Lord Jesus. That is a shame , because from His present work in heaven flows the authority and power to work in his Name.
“Going to the Father “ – what does He mean?  Two things  - on the cross He yielded up His spirit into the Father’s hands. He said to the repentant thief ‘today you will be with Me in paradise’, so that I conclude that He went to the Father. Secondly, in the beginning of this chapter He stated that He was going UP until His final return. This accords with Luke 24 and Acts 1 where He “was taken up and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” The angel standing by, explained that He was going “up into heaven.”  Peter preached that God has seated the Lord Jesus at His own right hand. Paul teaches that in the heavenlies He is head over all things, in particular the church.  The book of Hebrews along with others, outlines His present functions for His people. As a great High  Priest He represents all believers before the Father. In our verse He promises to answer the prayer that is in accord with His name. Eg The believers prayed in Acts 1, and the answer came in acts 2  -three thousand people converted.  Act9.40, Peter prayed and Dorcas was raised to life. Acts 12, the church prayed and Peter was miraculously released from prison.  Yes, these were great, even greater works to show the power of God in the Name of the once crucified, now glorified Lord Jesus. The Apostles did many miracles to affirm the authority of the word they taught as being God’s word.
And so it was that the  word of the Lord increased and multiplied (Act 13.49, 12.24, 17.11, 18.11)

In concluding this section, I am reminded of the precious word in John 20.29  - 

“ Blessed are those who have not seen, yet have believed!” 

May all my readers be true believers and find the fullness joy in knowing HIM

John McKee

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