
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Gospel to Gentiles


Peter perplexed, propelled, perception, preaching, praising

     God’s most important plan – to include Gentiles in the blessings of the Gospel. Some non-Jews like Cornelius were continuing with prayer to the God of the Bible. The angel appeared and instead of telling the Gospel to him, Cornelius is referred to Peter, for Peter is to learn much about this special purpose of God.

Peter’s prayer time was interrupted by a heavenly vision of unclean animals for food. A voice pronounced an astounding new arrangement “What God has made clean, do not call common.” Perplexed Peter was then invited, commanded to go to the house of the Roman Centurion, Cornelius – what should Peter do as an observant Jew? Mixing with Gentiles was forbidden.

       But propelled by the Holy Spirit, he set out for Caesarea, taking witnesses with him. At the hose of Cornelius, he asked, “why have you sent for me?”

   Peter perceived that God was at work, teaching him the wide embrace of God’s GRACE. “In every nation God accepts those who fear Him and do what is right”.

  Peter immediately preaches Jesus Christ as LORD of all ( all people) without any introduction of Torah, temple or Judaism.

The message about Jesus Christ is most important  especially the conclusion in verse 43  - “Everyone who believes in HIM, will have  their sins forgiven through HIS Name.”

Peter explained about John the baptiser, followed by Jesus the one anointed by the Holy Spirit to do great and good things. Peter then identifies himself with others who were witnesses of Jesus dying and rising again from death. Jesus Himself had commanded them to preach the Gospel of forgiveness to the whole world in His Name.(Luke 24)   Also that He would be the final judge of the living and the dead.

    The message might have continued, but enough said, enough to believe and God who knows the hearts, interrupted by the giving of the Holy Spirit to these new believers!  Just like it had been given to believing Jews in Acts 2, so these Gentiles were able to speak in various languages (maybe Hebrew) and to praise God.

     So Peter joined in the praise of God for putting this plan together to include the Gentiles . He then authorized them to be baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ, as was done for the Jews. Peters later presentation to the Jerusalem conference summed it up well –( Acts 15:8) 

   “ ……. God made no distinction between us and them……….we are all saved the same way, by the favour of the Lord Jesus Christ”

   “God has also given the Gentiles the opportunity to repent and receive eternal life”  (Acts 11:18)


I with Peter praise the LORD for His providence and grace!

Many relevant issues flow from this incident, but chiefly it shows God at work taking this Gospel beyond Jewish boundaries to include the whole world.

Amazing grace and the final accountability of all to the Lord God.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Gopel to the Jews


Peter’s second message to a privileged people.

Please read Acts chapter 3 for the full response.

This chapter begins with a serious contradiction. The extravagantly adorned temple had at its gates people begging for money!  So today, a world of billionaires and religious wealth, while so many are starving!

But once again in our Bible record, God takes the initiative to turn a bad thing into something good. And so the crippled man was the means to the glory of God. He was miraculously healed and the crowd were excited.

Peter’s response is important. Way beyond the healing was the significance. This was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at work. This was done in the Name of ‘Jesus of Nazareth’. So Peter describes this Jesus: - the Holy and righteous one, the author of life, raised from the dead. By His name the lame man was made whole!

But I missed something – the guilt of the people.

V14  - the Jewish people denied any loyalty to Jesus before Pilate

-      They chose the release of a murderer for festival celebration

-      They killed the true source of life

Peter was not preaching a feel good gospel – no – he exposes the significant sin, particularly the sin of rejecting Jesus the Christ.

Peter commands – ‘repent’, and then gives a beautiful description of God at work.

God foretold the sufferings of Christ. (Psalm 22, Isaiah 53 etc).

God can blot out sins and send times of restoration, refreshing and hope. It can only be valid as it comes from the presence of the Lord.

Verse 21 indicates that there was still an opportunity for all Israel as nation to be saved. God is the God of a second chance!

So Peter outlines the means of their restoration:

1           V13 – Relational connection to Abraham, Issaac and Jacob

2           V18 – Revelation of prophecy about Messiah

3           V22 – Raising up of the Prophet to speak again for God

4           V23 – Retribution for deaf  ears

5           V25 – Remembrance of the covenant

6            V26 – Real possibility of recovery from past wickedness by Him whom God raised up to bless instead of curse.

Then would be fulfilled the ancient purpose of God to Abraham –  ‘ through your descendants all the families of the earth will be blessed.’  Oh such a God of mercy and grace to such an underserving people!


And the rest of that story??? Keep reading the Bible book of Acts, or read the newspaper to see a nation largely far away from God.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Gospel series 1


The Gospel according to Peter.

Acts 2:23-42   - please read the verses before reading my summary.

Peter’s audience were Jews from many parts of the world. The people were astounded that locals could describe the wonderful works of God in many languages. Indeed it was the power of the Holy Spirit indicating that the Gospel was not restricted to the Hebrew language or the Jewish people.

Verse 23  - Peter then focuses the attention of the people on Jesus. Many of these people had seen Jesus crucified. Peter says God had a bigger and better plan. The life of Jesus was verified as God directed, by many signs and wonders.

God used even the combined rejection of Him by Jews and Gentiles to fulfill the prophecy of Psalm 2 and Isaiah 53. God has the habit of turning bad situations into good outcomes  -- the death of Jesus of Nazareth becoming the means of human salvation and God’s final glory.

Peter  emphasises that this seeming disaster has been overcome by Jesus rising from among the dead, never to die again.

1       God raised Him from the dead – He was sinless

2       God foretold His resurrection in Psalm 16

3       God had a plan for David’s promised heir

4       God established witnesses of the living Lord Jesus

5       God has exalted Jesus to the place of highest honour

6       God has verified the Old Testament scriptures, as fulfilled in Jesus the Christ

7       God has established Jesus forever as :

       LORD – superior to all, greater than the prophets, greater than Moses, Lord over all people!

        Messiah – Christ- anointed to fulfill the great plans of God


Now the question of relevance – for three years the crowds had listened to and admired Jesus of Nazareth. Now their indolence became guilt and they must either receive or reject Him.

Peter issues the command “ Repent and be baptised in the Name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”

Peter gives no options  - the  only way to be on right terms with God was total commitment to the risen Jesus Christ..

    And so it was that many took the humble place of repentance (I was wrong, God was right) and rested their hope for forgiveness and future purpose in Jesus Christ the Lord.  It created peace, togetherness, prayerfulness. But most of all the focus of the disciples was Jesus who before He died took some bread, broke it and said “do this in remembrance of Me”.

Their devotion was no longer to the temple, to Moses, to the law .It was to the living Lord Jesus Christ.


From this day forward, things would be different.


Peter’s third recorded message is to the Gentiles – stay tuned.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025



A word for the new year:

--- a voice is heard from heaven (Revelation 2):

I know………….” It is the voice of the Him who knows all about the year past, and the year to come. Such is His character that we can trust HIM to judge righteously and guide graciously.

I will………”   It is the voice of power, one who can keep His promises and do a work in and for us to the glory of God the Father.


For those who hear His voice, there is only one thing required :

“If anyone hear My voice and open the door, I will come in…………”  (Revelation 3:20)


Prayer for 2025

‘Lord  I open the door and Your presence is welcome’