
Sunday, January 28, 2024

Leading or feeding appetite


I hesitate to write this. But after much pondering about one of Australia’s deepest problems that is now affecting politics, labour market, families, church etc. I write for you to think it through.  Four destructive words – “What do you want…….?”

Sounds ok, sounds normal, even Jesus occasionally used them!

Yes, but please take time to ponder their destructive implications when used unwisely.

Illustration: You ask a child “what do you want for breakfast?” Almost always, the child will ask for something sweet and often unhealthy! Consequences – a life habit of feeding on flavour instead of healthy food.  Rather parents should wisely decide on healthy food for mental and physical wellbeing of a child. Good leadership would then say –“today we are having ………….. for breakfast – come enjoy!” Then the child would learn to  make wise choices.

This little illustration unveils a fundamental problem of Australian youth. Why do so many think the world ‘owes it to them’ ? I suggest that too many parents have fed the self centred ego by ‘what do you want?’ instead of leading  with ‘we are going to ….’.  By having choices and options for food, fun, friends, clothes, careers, cars etc, the young inexperienced mind considers it normal to EXPECT to have what it wants. Occasionally young ones are taught to make wise choices, but too often they are given what they WANT to keep them quiet. (obedience seems well out of date).

Does the Bible reflect on this – Absolutely and extensively.

“Those who live only to satisfy their own sinful desires will harvest the consequence of decay and death. Those who live to please the spirit will harvest everlasting life” (Galatians 6:8) – normal flesh choices versus wisdom and understanding given by God.

“If your sinful nature controls your mind there is death. If the Holy Spirit controls your mind there is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6)

Children need parents filled with the Holy Spirit to lead them. The world of media and education encourages children to gratify oneself, follow the dreams, in anyway they may choose without true reference to outcomes or God’s way.

True love is often “Tough Love” -  please read Revelation 3:19.

I mentioned politics – yes – years ago, people voted for the good of the country, now they vote to satisfy “Meism”. (what they get out of it).

Labour shortage – Most of us were happy to get a job as teenagers. Today they EXPECT easy work on max pay!

Churches – listening carefully to what the congregation WANTS, to keep the money rolling and the numbers up! (2 Timothy 4:3)

Families – working so hard to have enough money to keep the children up with the Jones’s  philosophy ‘What do you want?’.

Well, thank you if you read this through – you are welcome to disagree, but I ask you to ponder it a while, before you throw it away.

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