
Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ



Why immerse a believer in Jesus Christ in water?

It is enough that the Lord Jesus said to do so!  But why is this ceremony so significant?

The Apostle Peter insisted on it among the Jewish converts, as the public sign that the people had accepted Jesus as the Messiah, Lord  and Saviour. He had no space for fake believers – all talk with no evidence.

The Apostle Paul taught believers baptism, but often arranged for other to do the baptising  lest any think he was seeking to create a following after himself. He insisted that baptism was in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Lord Jesus Himself taught the fullness of the act (Matthew 28): – by submission to Christian baptism (people old enough to actually believe), that person was openly declaring acceptance of the LORD God as Father, Jesus Christ as His Son, and the Holy Spirit as the power to live a new, clean, God centred life. And so when people of all nations identified with this triune God, the Holy Spirit could guide, empower and use people for God’s glory. So it has been happening for 2000years.

For anyone to neglect or refuse to be baptised, it is rather an insult to the worthiness of Jesus Christ as Lord.

This unusual immersing of a person in water is much more than a ceremonial cleansing. It does show that a believer has a good conscience , having accepted forgiveness of sins obtained by the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. But more it is a declaration that the old life has finished (like a person is dead), and the future is a new life in Christ ( like Jesus rising to life again). In Gospel terms, it is words in action.

1                     Mt sins deserve eternal death but Jesus died for me, I ashamed of my old self centred life, I have died with Christ.

2                   I will live by the faith of the Son of God , now alive to God, no longer I but Christ living in me.

This indeed is an action of progress in the new spiritual life. But it is not something of credit to the one baptised – indeed the opposite – the person effectively renounces all honour to self and gives the honour to Jesus Christ. The strength to live a godly life is not in self, but by the Holy Spirit given to all believers.

Hence the celebration, the clapping, certificates of attainment seem most inappropriate. For most Christians (i.e . China, Iran, India etc) the act of baptism brings persecution, loss of privilege, family hatred, and even death for Christ. Why is it that unbelievers react so violently to baptism? They know that talk can be cheap, but the action is confirming the conversion to Jesus Christ as Lord, the Son of God.

Connected to other Bible baptisms passages:

John’s baptism in the river – repentance to forgiveness

Baptised to Moses – identification with the leader

Cutting off the old man – renunciation of the old natural life

Washing away sins – disconnection from sinful actions of the former life



Is baptism essential for salvation – no

Is baptism in water important – yes

Is infant sprinkling valid – no

Does baptism make a person a member of the church – no

Are we baptised like Jesus was – no


I have not cluttered the page with Bible references , but such will happily be provided on request. If you wish to disagree, please use messenger or email

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