
Monday, December 2, 2024

Helping migrants


What have I learned? (the speech I wanted to give)

The greater needs of migrants .

1 Friendship – a friendship that crosses over culture, religion, food and misunderstandings. There are some, but not many, who go beyond programs to visit the newcomers and to invite them into our homes. This Christ like care creates friendships that endure. (My wife is with me in this).

2 English- we assume they can quickly learn English at government funded classes. For visiting academics – yes, but for the refugees not easy at all. Learning to learn, trying to drive a pencil on the line, listening to Australians who insist on using colloquial jargon – so much so difficult in particular for women who have never been to school- Those who are fully occupied caring for children, cooking , washing and cleaning at home.

3  Cultural adaption-  many uninvolved politicians proclaim “ we welcome people with their culture.” After 7 years of close interaction, I say no – it doesn’t work. Food may be ok, clothing may be ok. We have so  many laws, habits, attitudes, expectations that need to be learned for integration. In teaching citizenship, I have learned that so many of our laws and values are Christian Bible based. Some of my students converted to Christianity and found it so much easier to fit with the Australian  values. (Like love for marriage).

4  I have learned to speak slowly, using clear English words, and simplified concepts. As I visit migrant men, my chief function is to listen to them!

Saturday, November 30, 2024

Mission statement


This morning's meditation:

2 Timothy 1:1  “sent out to tell others about the life God has promised through faith in Christ Jesus.”

This mission statement of the apostle Paul is so clear. He did many other things in the process –  signs and wonders and miracles. He baptised a few, he planted some churches, he wrote books, he contended with legalism, he helped the poor.

But this mission given to him at conversion remained –“to take my message to the  Gentiles and to kings as well as to the people of Israel.” (Acts 9:15).

This is the true Gospel that creates new life now and forever.

New life?  Yes, the habits and attitudes of the old life need to be renounced. The new life now, has motive, purpose, reward focused on Jesus Christ  the Lord in heaven. The life to come – more than the present dreams, present possessions, present family – much more. Eternal life is the certain prospect of living where God rules and the Lord Jesus, the Lamb of God, is the light and focus of eternity.

My prayer today- “Lord keep me focused”

Monday, November 25, 2024

Year ending


Our year for teaching RI in the state schools is coming to an end.

The recurring challenge in our curriculum has been presented – ‘going God’s’ way or ‘going our way’.

        God’s way of commitment to Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour has the outcome of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.

        Our way of self interest is characterised by lust, personal pleasure, idolatry, occult, critical attitude, quarrelling, jealousy, anger, self ambition, envy , drunkenness, wild parties etc.

As God does, we leave the children to choose.


And now I must take time to pray for them, that they will not be lost under the pressure of misguided adults, media manipulation and sensual society.

What a privilege it has been to bring this message of hope to so many children who otherwise would not hear,  and to give many a Bible for them to read.   -   “Thank you Lord”

Wednesday, November 13, 2024



I have been teaching English and citizenship to migrants for many years. To help peoples who have come from disaster experiences has been a privilege. Christian compassion says “welcome”.

        However one thing is missing – God

In a church context I have explained a little of the Christian faith, but in a State School context I felt very restrained about discussing religion. After interacting with migrants of many kinds, the common problem appears: -- what is the valid reference point for living – as one student said “we don’t know all the laws!”.

  Some come with different religious laws, others think ‘freedom’ means ‘do as they please’. The Government pushes the idea of democracy – ‘the will of the people for the people’, and eventually the biggest families dominate.

This mishmash of cultures and religions results in confusion and disorder e.g. gang bullying, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, illegal business, marital breakup, financial corruption, mental health disorders etc.

    So what am I suggesting? One starting point!

-Explanation and implementation of the first line of the citizenship pledge:

      From this time forward, under God”……..

The promise to be loyal to Australia is helpful but which Australians set the example? The rich? The bludgers? the gay? the corrupt, the racist, the workers, inconsistent politicians? religious hypocrites .....................................................?

   The two words “under God” are the vital key. So what does it mean?

“All persons in Australia are finally accountable to God”

-To be aware of our creator God, and that He will judge all people by Jeus Christ.(Bible- Romans 2:16)

This is the great restrainer to domestic violence, youth crime, drunkenness, corporate crime, political corruption etc.

“Under God” was evident at the Kings coronation ceremony.

 All need to fear God, and serve others as the Lord Jesus Christ has served us. His standards and mercy brings order and cohesion. Ignorance of this is destroying Australia.

God has and will have the final say, so it is my duty, to make God known and to seek to bring people into a living relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ the Lord .

I may have failed, but the Bible, the word of God to all humanity is able to bring light and life and love. So we distribute Bibles and Bible plaques freely to all who choose to receive them.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024



Who will win the Election?

In a democracy, the elected people are a reflection of the social and spiritual state of the society.

The better question is :- “What am I doing to lift the moral, social and spiritual condition of society?” There are plenty of sideline critics contributing so little.


What is it that guides the young people when choosing a candidate? – usually “Me-ism” – because many have been reared to get anything they want, so they vote for the one who will promise to give them what they want. So what are parents and teachers doing to counter the disease of ‘Me- ism’?

It is an important part of my RI lessons at school to teach that Jesus Christ was against greed. I give out priority prisms – Jesus first, others next, myself last.


What guides adults when voting? For most people it is the TV screen. Sadly, in most homes the biggest and most devoted object is the big TV screen. Once it was a large family Bible. And so the candidates  with the best propaganda usually win. The glossy presentation of half truths, unkeepable promises, smooth words along with uncalled for accusations, seek to appeal to the fallen sensibilities of the voters.

I choose to talk to the would be politicians and ask about their moral position, financial accountability, social standards and Christian foundations.

So the question persists:- “what am I contributing to the moral, social and spiritual fibre of the community?  Living for self? Setting a bad moral example? Doing business dishonestly? Cheating the system? Playing church?


Those who have read the book “The Book that made your world” will realise that much of our western society is based on the Bible. So besides contending for good on a humanistic level we need to proclaim loud and clear the truth of the Bible.

The Lord countered the focus on ‘today-ism’ with the eternal realities. He said “Heaven and earth will pass away, but MY WORD will never pass away.” “Lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven”  (Matthew 6)

 What abundant opportunities we have to declare HIS word to a lost world. In that alone can true values be found for voting, for living life, for relationship with the living God.

Midst a chaotic world, we need to remember ‘God is still on the throne’ and will bring all to account. History records how often God can turn political events right around by one person totally committed to Himself eg Daniel

Are you, am I??

Monday, October 14, 2024

True Discipleship


True Discipleship (Extract from booklet)


 The pathway to true discipleship begins when a person is born again. It begins when the following events take place: 1. When a person realizes that he is sinful, lost, blind and naked before God. 2. When he acknowledges that he cannot save himself by good character or good works. 3. When he believes that the Lord Jesus Christ died as his Substitute on the Cross. 4. When by a definite decision of faith, he acknowledges Jesus Christ as his only Lord and Savior. This is how a person becomes a Christian. It is important to emphasize this at the outset.

Too many people think that you become a Christian by living a Christian life. NOT at all! You must first become a Christian before you can live the Christian life. The life of discipleship outlined in the following pages is a supernatural life. We do not have the power in ourselves to live it. We need divine power. Only when we are born again do we receive the strength to live as Jesus taught. Before reading any further, ask yourself the question, “Have I ever been born again? Have I become a child of God by faith in the Lord Jesus?” If you have not, receive Him now as your Lord and Saviour. Then determine to obey Him in all that He has commanded, whatever the cost may be. —William MacDonald

Thursday, October 10, 2024

School lessons


In teaching ‘Religious instruction, at the state schools, I have come to the highlight of the curriculum (B2).

After lessons from Moses, 10 commandments, Tabernacle and two covenants, we study the Bible book of Romans.

The summary of the teaching is as follows:

1    The Gospel about Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of David proven true by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from death.

2    The need for the Gospel is graphicly portrayed in the lesson book as a man behind prison bars. Also a good-o-meter is used. An odd child will claim not to have sinned, while another will be despaired of hope because of guilt.

3    Then the difference between wages and a gift is highlighted. “Sin pays off with death. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 6:23

4    This lesson brings the students to ‘faith in God, faith in Jesus Christ as Lord’ as the only means to salvation. The memory verse is Ephesians 2:8

“You are saved by faith in God, who treats us much better than we deserve. This is God’s gift to you, and not anything you have done on your own” (CEV)

5    The fruit of the Gospel. ‘People do good things because they are saved.

6    The goal of the Gospel. This heading is linked to Romans 8:15- “God’s Spirit does not make us slaves who are afraid of Him. Instead, we become His children and call Him Father.”

7    The hope of the Gospel. With our eyes fixed on Jesus the future has eternal hope –“ I am sure that the suffering now cannot compare with the glory that will be shown to us” Romans 8:18

8    The Body for the Gospel. First we consider the body of the believer surrendered to God. Then we consider the gospel blessings for the Christians as a body of people.

9    The final lesson directs the students to a flowering plant. This illustrates our need to be rooted in the word of God, producing seed bearing flowers, sharing, singing about Jesus the Lord.

10  The final verse:

“God planned for us to do good things and to live as He has always wanted us to live. That’s why He sent Christ to make us what we are .” Ephesians 2:10 (CEV)


I can only say –‘ What a great privilege it is to bring this glorious Gospel to many children who have never heard it.’


I cannot fathom why some many churches etc, treat this work with disdain – the children are adults in the making, and many will never hear a clear Gospel again. About two thirds of our classes have never been to church! And Oh how I long to see them in heaven.

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