
Wednesday, November 13, 2024



I have been teaching English and citizenship to migrants for many years. To help peoples who have come from disaster experiences has been a privilege. Christian compassion says “welcome”.

        However one thing is missing – God

In a church context I have explained a little of the Christian faith, but in a State School context I felt very restrained about discussing religion. After interacting with migrants of many kinds, the common problem appears: -- what is the valid reference point for living – as one student said “we don’t know all the laws!”.

  Some come with different religious laws, others think ‘freedom’ means ‘do as they please’. The Government pushes the idea of democracy – ‘the will of the people for the people’, and eventually the biggest families dominate.

This mishmash of cultures and religions results in confusion and disorder e.g. gang bullying, domestic violence, alcohol abuse, illegal business, marital breakup, financial corruption, mental health disorders etc.

    So what am I suggesting? One starting point!

-Explanation and implementation of the first line of the citizenship pledge:

      From this time forward, under God”……..

The promise to be loyal to Australia is helpful but which Australians set the example? The rich? The bludgers? the gay? the corrupt, the racist, the workers, inconsistent politicians? religious hypocrites .....................................................?

   The two words “under God” are the vital key. So what does it mean?

“All persons in Australia are finally accountable to God”

-To be aware of our creator God, and that He will judge all people by Jeus Christ.(Bible- Romans 2:16)

This is the great restrainer to domestic violence, youth crime, drunkenness, corporate crime, political corruption etc.

“Under God” was evident at the Kings coronation ceremony.

 All need to fear God, and serve others as the Lord Jesus Christ has served us. His standards and mercy brings order and cohesion. Ignorance of this is destroying Australia.

God has and will have the final say, so it is my duty, to make God known and to seek to bring people into a living relationship with Himself through Jesus Christ the Lord .

I may have failed, but the Bible, the word of God to all humanity is able to bring light and life and love. So we distribute Bibles and Bible plaques freely to all who choose to receive them.

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